Established in Daylesford 1861

Verey Funeral Directors
Established 1861
In 1860 Daylesford was a thriving mining town with a growing population of over 3400 people. Thomas Verey (1827 - 1890) and his family migrated from England in 1853, and settled in Richmond, Victoria. His four brothers and one sister migrated after him. It is uncertain in the records what drew the family to the area but eventually they all found themselves living in Daylesford and the surrounding areas.
On 6th May 1861 Thomas Verey listed an undertaking business in Daylesford - T. Verey Undertaker. It remained in the Verey family for 4 generations. Firstly by Thomas’s son Fredrick (1855-1921) and then by his grandson Roland (1888- ) in 1929 and then later by his great grandson Fredrick William Stanley (1922- 2005)Or more commonly know as Stan, Stan worked with Roland from 1948 to 1960 before taking over completely in 1961.
He then passed the business 1981 to his daughter Robyn Verey and her husband Jack Adriaans. It was in the early 1992 that Jack and Robyn built the Verey Chapel in Millar Street which is still in use today.
The Verey name has a long association with the Daylesford Community and Hepburn Shire and the family have always served on committees within the community including Daylesford Community high school, the Cemetery trust, the churches trust just to name a few.
In 2010 the business was then sold to Brian and Lyn Leidle and the business name was changed to Verey Funeral Directors as they were the first people to own it who did not carry the Verey name.
In 2015 it was sold again and bought by the current owners Andrew Nuske and Alicia Kay. They had a longing to buy a funeral home and the Verey business and the Daylesford community beaconed them.
The Verey name has a proud tradition in the Daylesford, Hepburn, Creswick, Moorabool and Trentham Communities as trusted and caring funeral directors and Andrew Nuske and Alicia Kay are determined to continue this into the future.
In 2018 they have expanded the business further and open up another office in Creswick.