19.09.1926 – 19.01.2022
Our beautiful Lois has journeyed to be with her beloved Jack, and forever twin Frank.
A wonderful woman who lived a good life.
Our hearts are broken.
Our memories are forever.
Dianne, Neil, Danielle, Gavin & Jasmine, Ben & Nicole.
“A Life Well Lived” A life well lived is a precious gift Of hope and strength and grace, From someone who has made our world A brighter, better place It’s filled with moments, sweet and sad With smiles and sometimes tears, With friendships formed and good times shared
And laughter through the years.
A life well lived is a legacy
Of joy and pride and pleasure,
A living, lasting memory
Our grateful hearts will treasure.
Family and friends are invited to attend the funeral service for Lois to be held at
the Verey Chapel 43A Millar Street Daylesford on Wednesday 26th Jan 2022 commencing at 11.30am.
If you would like to attend and haven’t been contacted directly by the family, we requested that you register your attendance prior to the service by calling Dianne or Vereys on 03 5348 2762 or via email info@vereyfuneraldirectors.com
We also remind you that masks must be worn throughout the service.
